Most recent UFO sightings 2024 on video and photo

UFOs sightings - ufo caught on camera and your stories

Here you can find the most interesting, in our opinion, cases of the latest UFO sightings in 2022 and earlier years. You have a great opportunity to read the opinions of UFO witnesses,  as well as videos of UFOs caught on camera. You can also send your observations in the corresponding menu of the section on the right.

The Belgian UFO wave of 1989 - triangular UFO

The Belgian  UFO wave of 1989 - triangular UFO

The 1989 Belgian UFO wave, which covered all of Belgium between November 1989 and April 1991. It is one of the most remarkable moments in the history of UFOs. Moreover, these UFO sightings lead to more than 2,000 reported UFO incidents. Most of them are meticulously detailed and recorded. By the way, 500 documented cases remained unexplained.

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Aerial fight with UFO

UFO aerial combat

In the 1950s, U.S. Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt was the first director of the Blue Book Project, whose division was charged with investigating and analyzing reports of unidentified flying objects. In fact, he is known to the world as the one who coined the term " unidentified flying object "because he believed that the" flying saucer " was misleading everyone.

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Real UFO sightings - UFOs video reports

Collection Real UFO Sightings - UFOs Video Reports

In this video we analyzed several cases of UFOs, including a UFO that flew out of the moon. Any ufologist, any researcher, it is extremely important to be able to distinguish the truth from lies and to understand the issue of UFO sightings, we will help you.

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Berkshire UFO 1969 - ufo massachusetts 1969

Berkshire UFO 1969 - ufo massachusetts 1969

The story that we want to tell you today has caused such a tremendeous public response and the number of people involved in it is so great that it simply could not go unnoticed in the tablets of UFOlogy.

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UFO crash in Brazil 2020

UFO crash in Brazil - Brazilian UFO Crash Mage Brazil

You probably already heard about the UFO that fell in Brazil on May 13. I was surprised how many people believe this, so I want to refute this story: first, do not forget that a UFO is not necessarily a flying saucer, a UFO can be at least a piece of plywood flying in the wind. Secondly, let's take a look at the video, which allegedly filmed a UFO.

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UFO over Singapore

The network is discussing a video with

UFO over Singapore caused genuine interest among netizens. Was it really or not? Let's figure it out

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Inhabitants of Ethiopia suffered from a UFO attack

Inhabitants of Ethiopia suffered from a UFO attack

The history of observations of unidentified flying objects is characterized by many sinister episodes in which the appearance of UFOs was accompanied by terrible circumstances. one of these events occurred in Ethiopia, its true nature has remained unclear to this day.

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"Leaked" government photo shows UFO of unusual shape - ufo sigthings

According to the American publication Popular Mechanics, US intelligence knew about the mysterious object for two years. But what could it be? They say that this photo is borrowed from the report for 2018

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Vimanas and their varieties (aircraft in the environment) UFOs

Vimanas: from myth to reality - unraveling the secrets of ancient aircraft and UFO sightings

Vimana is the flying vehicle of the ancients, its descriptions of which are found in ancient scriptures, for example, in the Vimanika-shastra. These vehicles could move both in the Earth's atmosphere, and in space and the atmosphere of other planets. The Vimana was powered with mantras (spells), and with the help of mechanical devices.

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Secret officer diary. Could it reveal the truth about the Roswell UFO crash in 1947?

Secret officer diary. Could it reveal the truth about the Roswell UFO crash in 1947?

A long-hidden diary belonging to an American intelligence officer has revived investigations into the Roswell incident - the world-famous UFO crash in Roswell, new Mexico, that took place more than 70 years ago.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Kecksburg incident - military experiments or UFOs?

Kecksburg UFO incidentStrange events that occurred in the small American town of Kecksburg in the state of Pennsylvania back in 1965, have not yet received any convincing explanation.

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