Declassified documents and reports - ufo disclosures

Declassified UFO documents - ufo disclosures

This page contains declassified documents from major security agencies around the world. We study hundreds of disclosed documents (including CIA UFO files) a day and post only the most interesting ones specifically for you.

The study of such documents allows you to more thoroughly analyze the UFO phenomenon, and indirectly confirms the facts that you are interested in. All documents have a description, some of them have a full description, some of them have full content, not in PDF.

Everything is typed manually, so here is only meaningful material, and not the work of OCR programs in automatic mode. Declassified documents are often of poor quality, so only manually and by man can you give a correct assessment, and not by machine.

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Admiral Thomas Wilson leaked UFO documents

Admiral Thomas Wilson leaked UFO documents

Admiral Thomas Ray Wilson, leaked documents on UFOs and corporate reverse engineering of alien technology. There are several important findings from Admiral Thomas Wilson's failed attempts to learn and gain access to the secret UFO program. Which included a covert corporate effort to reverse engineer a recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft. As described in a leaked 15-page document obtained by Canadian UFO researcher Grant Cameron in November 2018 and uploaded to the internet on April 19, 2019.

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Unidentified aircraft reported over Spain, Greece, North Africa in 1953

CIA report UFO Report №00-w-29151

In this report, you will be able to read about flying saucers, glowing spheres, and rocket-like UFOs in a modern interpretation of cigar-shaped UFO

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Lakenheath-Bentwaters incident - Lakenheath UFO incident (UFO sightings)

Lakenheath-Bentwaters incident - Lakenheath UFO incident

The incident at Lakenheath and Bentwaters air force bases in England is one of the most famous in UFOlogy, as UFOs were recorded by various types of radars from the ground and air, and were also observed with the naked eye. The scene of the incident is also interesting: then, in addition to British pilots, American bombers with nuclear weapons on Board were based on them. On the evening and night of August 13-14, 1956, something happened in the skies of South-East England that is still debated today. For five hours, some objects flew over the bases and their surroundings at a speed of 80 to 12,000 miles per hour.

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CIA report 058375. UFO sightings in USA 1952

Unidentified Flying Objects declassified 20 APR 1977

This report contains several sightings of unidentified flying objects. it is important that the report notes that the objects are not known earth apparatuses, and it is also assumed that the ufos captured in this report do not relate to weather phenomena.

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CIA Report SO DB-27143 - “The Mystery of the `Flying discs’ a contribution to its possible explanation”

SO DB-27143 “The Mystery of the `Flying discs’  a contribution to its possible explanation” - Condor, Chilie

Attached for your information is a copy in the translation of an article submitted by Dr. Edward Ludwig for publication in Condor, a German language magazine published in Chile. The article is entitled “The Mystery of the `Flying discs’ a contribution to its possible explanation”

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NSA Report. Declassified UFO sightings by air forces, 1955

NSA Report. Declassified UFO sightings by air forces, 1955

This document describes electronic contact with an unknown aircraft in the Devon Island area. First, on June 1, with an RB-47 Stratojet. The APG-32 radar received information about the presence of another radar nearby for 20 minutes, but there was no visual contact. When flying over from the other side of the area, the contact was repeated for 30 minutes, again without visual confirmation. To swell this the exact coordinates of the event.

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Unidentified Flying Objects Reported over Angola - December 23, 1966 - NSA report

NSA report about sightings of two flying saucers in Angola

Over the weekend of December 10 (1966), the Luanda press reported the possible sightings of two flyings saucers

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NSA Report. 1976 Tehran UFO incident.

Report number 6 646 0139 76. 19 & 20 sep 76, Tehran, Iran

This report forwards information concerning the sightings of a UFO in Iran on 19 September 1976. The 1976 Tehran UFO incident was a case of an unidentified flying object (UFO) being observed, visually and using radar, in the Iranian capital of Tehran in the early morning of September 19, 1976. The incident is notable for the fact that radio-electronic interference was observed near the object: two f-4 Phantom II interceptors lost communication, the onboard equipment failed when they approached the object, and one of the aircraft's gun systems temporarily failed.

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CIa Report - Flying saucers in 1952 - ufo sightings

disclosed documents

I decided to show you one of the 1952 UFO reports from the CIA. What is remarkable is that they also collected information, including from open sources, and tried to verify it, not only on the basis of military data but also by analyzing official reports and statements. It will be all the more interesting to hear about the observations of flying saucers and cigar-shaped UFOs that have been observed from Corsica to Algeria.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Cosmonaut said - he saw a UFO explosion in orbit!

The cosmonaut reported observing an explosion of an unidentified flying object in orbit.Soviet cosmonaut, twice Hero of the USSR Vladimir Kovalenok, who spent 217 days in space, did not rule out the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

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