Mysterious helicopters and UFOs in 1973 in the photo

Mysterious helicopters and UFOs in 1973

The year 1973 remains significant in the history of UFO research in that it recorded some of the most widely discussed and controversial incidents that have ever taken place. From the alleged kidnappings of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker in Pascagoula, Mississippi, to the famous "Coin incident" involving a mid-air collision between a U.S. Air Force helicopter "Huey" and an oblong UFO, 1973 presented several incidents that remain among the best in ufology. 1973 was also the year when the phenomenon known as cattle mutilation began to become public. Nevertheless, the tangential topic, which once attracted considerable attention due to its obvious connection with reports of injuries, is related to the sightings of "mysterious helicopters", the origin of which remains unknown.

As a flood of injury reports exploded in the Midwest and West in 1975, reports of "mystery helicopters" also increased in many areas. This coincidence of the helicopter and the injuries has continued for the past decade. We have focused most of our attention on "mystery helicopters" because we suspect that if we can get some specific answers highlighting the role of these helicopters, we will be much closer to understanding the phenomenon of mutilation in general.

read the article by Scott H. Colborne in the Fortean Research Journal in 1989:

According to Colborne, by the end of the 1980s, there were "significantly more than 200 reports of mysterious helicopters near, on, or in the immediate vicinity of injury sites." While he acknowledged that some of the reports were just "innocent overflights" unrelated to animal injuries occurring nearby, there were nevertheless "too many reports of helicopters chasing cattle herds, spotlighting cattle, chasing ground observers and even landing in pastures." Even more ominously, as Colborne noted, several helicopters, numbering from five to seven aircraft, were involved in some incidents in the same area. "People were chased and chased along country roads. The deputies went to the pastures to watch the unlit helicopters take off and fly away quickly."

UFO sightings

In 1975, the number of cases involving alleged "mysterious helicopters" began to grow, especially in states such as Colorado. According to Colborne, farmers in the eastern part of the state that year were so afraid of the appearance of helicopters that they were "ready to shoot down anything that resembled a helicopter," which led to the temporary suspension of all known and accounted for helicopter flights to the region. Elsewhere in New Mexico, the problem was just as intense and even led the Federal Aviation Administration to launch an investigation into mysterious helicopters. However, once a National Guard helicopter was stationed at Clayton Airport, New Mexico, with instructions to pursue any unidentified helicopters reported in the area, the sightings seemed to stop for the time being.

We do not know the results of the FAA investigations as they have since denied having any knowledge or information about it. They may have found a reason not to announce their findings

Colborne wrote:

Strange helicopters of unknown origin were not only in areas where there were cases of cattle mutilation. During several incidents involving air incursions that occurred at U.S. Air Force launchers along the northern echelon in the mid-1970s, military personnel sometimes described seeing what looked like an aircraft with lighting fixtures that most resembled helicopters rather than exotic aircraft. 

In 1975, missile bases, including Loring, Wortsmith and Minot Air Force Bases, were spotted at night or early in the morning on October 27, 29 and 31, as well as at night on November 7, 8, 9 and 19. what many military personnel called helicopters. However, after an investigation by The National Enquirer, the official response of the US Air Force stated that "the assumption about the helicopter was based on the perception of sound and light by eyewitnesses" and that there were no flights at these bases that the Air Force managed to record. define as helicopters.

Strange helicopters were also reported during the famous UFO incident that occurred in December 1980 near Daton, Texas. Witnesses Betty Cash and Vicki Landrum described seeing a large number of helicopters that seemed to be chasing (or possibly escorting) a large hovering diamond-shaped aircraft that was emitting hot jets of flame from its base. Within a few days and weeks after the observation, the witnesses developed a number of diseases that, in their opinion, were associated with the object they observed. Despite persistent requests from the US Air Force, the source of the helicopter sightings, which coincided with the observation of a UFO by Cash and Landrum, has not been established.

As for the possible origin of these mysterious planes, Colborne presented several theories, including:

  1. The helicopter-like objects were actually UFOs that simply resembled more conventional military aircraft (or perhaps were intentionally disguised to look like them), but instead shared a common origin with other, more exotic aircraft.
  2. Mysterious helicopters may belong to some private, non-governmental organization or agency, which may include a corporation or even a cult group. Other options suggested by Colborne were secret societies, paramilitary groups, or "an international clique of industrialists, energy czars, or similar manipulators."
  3. The helicopters could have been part of a US government group that, for secret reasons, could have participated in operations that included monitoring high-security facilities and even injuring livestock, possibly as part of a "massive chemical and biological warfare" (CBW). experiment".
  4. Alternatively, the mysterious helicopters could have been created by the US government, but instead of playing an active role in cattle mutilations, their purpose could have been part of a secret investigation into these incidents.
  5. Another possibility is that instead of simply investigating cattle mutilations, the helicopters were operated by an investigative team or agency in the U.S. government that had a much firmer understanding of the problem than the public.
  6. As Colborne suggested regarding this fifth possibility, this hypothetical US government group could know "much more than "civilians," adding that the mysterious helicopters "are of military origin" and that the United States government "has a very significant amount of information." knowledge about the mutilators, their means and motives." "Perhaps the government is trying to convince injury investigators and the general population that perhaps the military may be behind some of the injuries, which is a deviation from the real truth," according to Colborne, who noted the obvious presence of "implied prior knowledge" in some cases of cattle mutilation, "which allows helicopters arrive around the time of the injury." Even after several decades, the "mysterious helicopters" of the 1970s and 80s remain mysterious. It seems difficult to imagine that their presence represents anything other than the covert efforts of one or more US government agencies, although their proximity to UFO incidents, as well as overflights of high-security facilities and even an obvious connection to the ongoing mystery of cattle mutilation also represents one of the most sinister unresolved questions about modern secrecy. UFO.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO  ufo sightings  Mexico  1973  helicopters  1975  1980  Texas  Cash-Landrum  New Mexico

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