UFO donut over Switzerland. Experts can't explain? Really?

A UFO resembling a doughnut was sighted over Switzerland.

An unidentified flying object in the form of a donut, captured over Switzerland, caused confusion in the expert community. Initially, it was believed that the UFO has something to do with the SpaceX Endeavour capsule, but the corresponding assumptions were not confirmed, writes the portal Live Science.

Doughnut UFO

The "doughnut UFO" spotted over Switzerland appeared the same night as SpaceX's Endeavor capsule reentry. (Image credit: Courtesy @Eavix1Eavix)

The footage of the strange object in the sky was taken by a photographer from "on the eighth of November. According to the source, the photos were posted on Twitter by user @eavix1eavix. The images show a disk-shaped object made up of several blue concentric rings. If you let your imagination run wild, you can assume that this is a giant blue doughnut that has appeared in the night sky for some reason.

If you go down to earth a little, you might think that the photos are related to the SpaceX Endeavour capsule, which landed on the night of the eighth to the ninth of November. The capsule had a crew of four astronauts who had spent the last two hundred days aboard the ISS.

But this version can hardly claim to be true since the capsule with astronauts from the ISS landed in the Gulf of Mexico, which is more than eight thousand kilometers from Switzerland. At the time when the photographer captured a strange object over Switzerland, the SpaceX Endeavour capsule could not be illuminated by sunlight, which means that it could not be a bright object in the sky. What, then, did the author of the picture take? Experts have no answer to this question.

SpaceX Endeavour

SpaceX's Crew-2 Dragon Endeavour and its crew of four astronauts splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Pensacola, Florida late Nov. 8, 2021. (Image credit: NASA TV)

Our research team has big questions for such experts. In our opinion, they are either not experts, or just wanted to catch the hype on the topic of UFOs. The solution to this mystery is quite simple. This is a feature of the camera lens, often the phone. The Internet is full of such photos when shooting stars, lanterns, etc. Since in an unfocused state the lens forms exactly such an image on the matrix, it is easy to assume that it looks like a UFO. But don't be fooled. You should have critical thinking.

Star in Boston

'Star' photographed in Boston (1), SI June 2010

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Doughnut UFO  UFO  ufo sightings  2021  Switzerland  analysis  expert  NASA  SapceX  UFOs

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